Green Councillors will be a strong voice for your community and protect the environment now and for future generations.
Tackling the Cost of Living Crisis
We will support local businesses and green jobs, through stronger collaboration with Local Enterprise Partnerships.
We will work towards ensuring greater provision of social housing and genuinely affordable housing with high insulation standards through better scrutiny of development plans and more effective enforcement of affordable housing targets.
We will partner with job centres, local business and colleges with a skills programme to meet local shortages and help all residents to access secure and decent jobs.
Public services
Protecting Community Services
We want to reverse cuts to essential services. We will identify efficiency savings across the council budget and empower community groups to raise and administer additional revenue.
We can improve mental health support, through joint funding bids with the NHS.
We will ensure better provision of youth services in our communities by promoting cross-sectoral collaboration between youth organisations, sports clubs and private clubs.
We will prioritise protecting adult social care services by ensuring adequate funding, fostering strong partnerships with other agencies, actively monitoring service quality, empowering service users, and advocating for policy changes to support the sector.
Transfoming Local Transport
We will improve road and path maintenance by challenging wasteful consultant spending.
We will facilitate improved bus services through partnership with neighbouring councils.
We can create safe cycling routes to schools, using developer contributions and government grants.
We will campaign for a 20mph speed limit where it makes sense and residents want it.
Defending our Environment
We will enforce protection of our green spaces and chalk streams.
We will protect our rivers and streams by robustly implementing regulations on industrial waste discharge, managing storm water runoff and responsible agricultural practices, and by collaborating with local communities to implement sustainable practices.
We will protect flood-prone communities by implementing drainage systems and by working with developers to incorporate flood mitigation measures in new builds.
We will advocate for council-backed home insulation schemes to cut energy bills and ensure new housing is highly insulated with minimum carbon construction costs.
We will strongly oppose unsustainable development in the Green Belt and Chilterns National Landscape.
We will promote appropriately sited local renewable energy projects that generate income for our communities through Community Municipal Investments.
Promoting a Fairer Democracy
We will propose legislation to implement a fairer Proportional Representation electoral system in our local elections.
We will ensure Bucks Council is accountable to our small communities by opposing cuts to Community Boards and extending their remit to provide an essential link between communities and the Council.